FS-UAE to-do file

This document is not an exhaustive list of things to do. Please consider it a partial list of things that might happen to FS-UAE soon or in the future.

  • Revisit / set up default shortcuts for state loading/saving.

  • Revisit / set up default shortcuts for floppy selection/insertion.

  • Move stuff from other to-do lists to this document :p

In progress:

  • On-screen keyboard suitable for use with controllers with realistic 1system-specific keyboards.


  • You cannot actually choose input devices before startup atm, but you can change them from the on-screen GUI.
  • GUI rendering is not optimized yet, GUI element textures are created for each frame and not reused. Could affect performance on slower systems.
  • Monitor selection does not work in all cases.
  • CD audio does not work
  • Themes are not implemented yet
  • Some video scaling options may have no effect yet
  • Some video and audio options may have no effect right now (for example GPU texture format or audio frequency).
  • Net play support is not ready yet
  • Support for multiple mice is not ready yet
  • Joystick support may be limited to gamepad-like devices initially
  • Support controlling the GUI with the mouse.


  • Built-in file browser with controller support (mainly for floppy selection), an oft-requested feature.

Other bonuses:

  • Make it easier to specify (any) actions on game controllers in ports, independent of controller type but dependent on port mode. (e.g. port0_joy_lefttrigger = action_quit)
  • Custom names and automatic screenshots for save states.


  • Better audio subsystem with lower audio latency.
  • Make better use of high-resolution timers to ensure the emulation runs smoothly also in fastest-possible CPU mode.
  • Support hot-plugging game controllers.
  • Create a better architecture which makes it easier to support different audio and video backends. Initial version with ALSA and SDL2 audio backends, and OpenGL and SDL2 video backends.
  • Ensure that FS-UAE works really well with G-SYNC and FreeSync monitors on supported systems.
  • Better internal book-keeping and visual graphs of performance and timing, to make it easier to identify issues and make sure the emulation runs smoothly.
  • Truetype font rendering for better readability and internationalization.
  • Better support for high-DPI displays.
  • Make the user interface adapt better to non-16:9 displays.
  • Make (lib)FSEMU better suitable for integration with different emulators.
  • Use RTLD_DEEPBIND with dlopen on Linux when loading plugins, allows for new self-contained QEMU-UAE plugin to work around an issue with how Glib is used.
  • Bridgeboard & VGA available and works with custom uae_* options.
  • Better clipboard sharing integration.
  • New built-in slirp implementation from QEMU 5.2.0 and reworked the slirp support in FS-UAE. Fixes random crashes and corrupt network data.
  • Other things I forgot; I haven't been very good at keeping updated Changelog entries lately.

Source: https://github.com/FrodeSolheim/fs-uae/blob/master/docs/todo.md