Virtual parallel port protocol (vpar) for Amiga Emulators

Written by Christian Vogelgsang


The vpar protocol is an I/O mechanism to communicate the state of the Amiga parallel port (here emulated in FS-UAE) so that external applications can simulate a device connected to this virtual parallel port. This application is called a device emulator and can simulate e.g. a printer, a PLIP device, or a video digitizer.

Since all lines of the parallel port can be programmed to be either an input or output, the protocol must handle the update of output changes from FS-UAE's Amiga parallel port to the device emulator and has also communicate changes of inputs driven by the device emulator back to the Amiga emulator.

The parallel port consits of the 8 data lines and the control lines including SELECT, POUT, and BUSY. Also the control signals STROBE and ACK with fixed direction are supported.

An external application can alter the state of input lines by sending commands via the vpar protocol. Depending on the direction of each pin the protocol allows to set all input pins with new values. Also the external application can trigger the ACK line if desired.


It is assumed that both processes, the Amiga emulator and the device emulator are connected with a fast bi-directional link and that each of the protocol's message is transported in a timely fashion so that it does not introduce too much latency. Otherwise the emulation accuracy is lost.

It is further assumed that the Amiga emulation runs in real time so that the emulator processes the parallel port accesses with (almost) the same timing a real Amiga would have processed them. This requires that the device emulator also runs and processes vpar commands in real time.

Note that parallel port signal changes have a max frequency of around 50 KHz. So a reasonable fast modern computer should handle them easily in real time emulation.


1. Amiga Updates State

Every time the emulated Amiga (in FS-UAE) changes a signal (either data or control lines) a state update is generated in the vpar protocol and send with two bytes to the device emulator.

The first control byte holds the state of the control signal lines in the lower nybble and some vpar flags in the upper nybble. The second byte holds the current value of all 8 data lines of the parallel port.

        FS-UAE ---[ cb , db ]--> devemu
  • cb: control byte
  • db: data byte (value of data on parallel port)

The control byte has the following bits:

            0x01 0 = BUSY line set
            0x02 1 = POUT line set
            0x04 2 = SELECT line set
            0x08 3 = STROBE was triggered
            0x10 4 = VPAR_REPLY: is an reply to a devemu trigger (see section 2)
            0x20 5 = not used -> 0
            0x40 6 = VPAR_INIT: Amiga emulator is starting (first msg of session)
            0x80 7 = VPAR_EXIT: Amiga emulator is shutting down (last msg of session)

The VPAR_REPLY bit is only set if the byte message is reply to a devemu trigger (see section 2). In an Amiga update this bit is never set.

VPAR_INIT is sent on the first Amiga update whenever the emulation starts. If the virtual Amiga is reset then the VPAR_INIT is re-sent on next startup.

VPAR_EXIT is sent as a last update right before the Amiga emulator is shut down.

A device emulator can use VPAR_INIT and VPAR_EXIT to restart or quit its operation in sync with the Amiga emulator.

2. Devemu Triggers a Change

The device emulator sends a 2 byte message to the Amiga emulator whenever it wants to change an input line of Amiga's parallel port. The Amiga emulator always confirms this trigger with a status update reflecting the change (see section 1).

        FS-UAE <--[ cb1, db ]--- devemu
        FS-UAE ---[ cb2, db ]--> devemu

The control byte cb1 sent from the device emulator has the following bits:

            0x01 0 = BUSY line value
            0x02 1 = POUT line value
            0x04 2 = SELECT line value
            0x08 3 = trigger ACK (and IRQ if enabled)
            0x10 4 = VPAR_DATA: set following data byte
            0x20 5 = VPAR_CTL: set line value as given in bits 0..2
            0x40 6 = VPAR_SET_CTL: set line bits given in bits 0..2
            0x80 7 = VPAR_CLR_CTL: clr line bits given in bits 0..2

The lower nybble holds the requested values for the parallel port's control lines and the second byte holds the requested value for the data port.

The high nybble holds flags that decide what to do with the values given for control and data port.

If the VPAR_DATA flag is set then the value of the second byte is actually set as the new input value for the data port. Note that only the bits set as input in the DDR of the data port are actually changed in the Amiga emulation. All others are simply ignored. If the VPAR_DATA flag is not set then the data port is not altered. However, you still must send a second byte with a dummy value.

VPAR_CTL, VPAR_SET_CTL, and VPAR_CLR_CTL are three different ways to set the signal levels on the control lines of the parallel port. While VPAR_CTL directly sets the value for all three lines (BUSY, POUT, SELECT) as given in bits 0-2, the VPAR_SET_CTL and VPAR_CLR_CTL only set/clear the bits set to one in bits 0-2 of the control byte. The latter ones are most useful if you want to toggle a single line of the port only.

Bit 3 is special and always triggers an ACK in the Amiga emulation if it is set.

Note: You can use this device trigger and send a pair of zero bytes (00, 00) to query the state of the parallel port in the Amiga emulation without altering anything. The emulator will answer with its current values. Use this if your device emulator is not sure about the current state, e.g. if you start the device emulator while the Amiga emulator is already running.

Each trigger send with 2 bytes from the device emulator is immediately answered by a reply byte pair from the Amiga emulator. Wait for this reply in the device emulator to make sure the Amiga emulator state has accepted and changed its state accordingly.

The format of the reply is the same as used in a status update (see section 1). This time the VPAR_REPLY bit is always set to denote that this update was generated as a response to the device emulator change trigger.

3. Remarks

  • It might be sensible to propagate changes in the data direction registers of both control and data lines also via vpar to the device emulator. Currently, DDR masks are only handled inside the Amiga emulator and external changes from the device emulator only affects signals that are set to input in the DDR.


The transport channel used there is realized with a pseudo terminal (PTY) opened in the device emulator. This allows the FS-UAE to use the simple file API for input/output.

The first device emulator using this protocol is a SW emulator of the plipbox PLIP-to-Ethernet device written in Python for the plipbox project.
