FS-UAE 2.3.12dev Released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.3.12dev:
- On OS X, simulate middle click (alt) and right click (ctrl).
- Don't move mouse to right bottom on exit without requested with environment variable FSGS_SEAMLESS=1.
- New option load_state = 1..9.
- New option stereo_separation (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100).
- (Launcher) Added GUI control for stereo_separation.
- (Launcher) Database change, a refresh is needed for the game database.
- (Launcher) Convert from UTF-8 str to unicode when loading and vice versa when saving config.
- (Arcade) Game filters: platform, letter and shuffle.
- (Arcade) Further re-branding to FS-UAE Arcade.
- (Arcade) Don't display wraparound items if items would be repeat on screen.
- (Arcade) Can start with --platform argument (--amiga, --cd32 etc).