FS-UAE 2.5.21dev Released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.21dev:
- Added file version information to fs-uae.exe
- Updated Windows build/dist system to work with MSYS2.
- Also check for plugin .dll/.so in executable directory and exedir/../name/name.dll-or-so (useful for development and testing)
- Added microsoft_x_box_one_pad_11_6_1_0_linux.conf.
- Added sony_computer_entertainment_wireless_controller_14_10_1_0_linux.conf.
- Added wireless_controller_14_6_1_0_macosx.conf.
- Updated emulation core from WinUAE 2900b25.
- Allow clearing preferred joystick(s) via settings UI.
- Can start with path to .fs-uae file as final argument (auto-runs configuration via FS-UAE Launcher).
- Can start with game uuid as final argument (auto-runs preferred variant).
- Can start with variant uuid as final argument (autu-runs specified variant).
- Fixed issue caused by QT normalizing (NFC) paths on OS X.