Download FS-UAE for macOS

Download the .dmg images for both FS-UAE Launcher and FS-UAE, and copy the apps within to /Applications or wherever you like. You must keep these two apps stored alongside each other.

You also need to choose the correct version for your machine; The ARM64 version is for Apple Silicon (M1/M2 Macs), and x86-64 is for older Intel-based machines.

If you are unsure about which version to choose, just go with x86-64 which should work on all recent macOS systems (10.13 or newer).

The ARM64 version will run faster on M1 Macs, but does not support JIT compilation. You should be able to run the x86-64 on M1 Macs (with JIT) though of course performance will be affected somewhat by emulating both 68K and x86-64 on ARM64 hardware.

If you have an older macOS version which is not supported by the main FS-UAE Launcher download, you can download a version for macOS 10.9 or newer instead. It is built with older versions of Python and PyQt5.


The following plugins can be used to extend the functionality of FS-UAE. CAPSImg provides support for .ipf floppy images while QEMU-UAE provides PPC emulation support.

The plugins must be installed into Documents/FS-UAE/System. For example, the CAPSImg directory should be extracted as Documents/FS-UAE/System/CAPSImg.

Portable version

If you want to convert Documents/FS-UAE to a portable directory which you can move wherever you want, just follow these two simple steps:

FS-UAE Arcade

FS-UAE Arcade builds are not done for version 3.1 yet. However, arcade mode is included with FS-UAE Launcher. So you can generally run fs-uae-launcher --arcade to launch the arcade interface if you know how to run the executable directly with additional arguments.


FS-UAE is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 license. FS-UAE Launcher and FS-UAE Arcade are also licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 license. Other libraries are licensed under various open source licenses. See the license page for more information.